Cancel Different Subscriptions on Amazon Prime Quickly

  • 18 Oct 2023
  • Cathenna
  • Amazon Prime

Amazon is the marketplace of choice for the widest variety of products and services. Its Prime membership offers a library of movies, podcasts, songs, and games. There’s a subscription for streaming videos, reading books, buying groceries, and more. But if you think your budget is less, you may cancel these subscriptions anytime. Users often ask how to cancel subscriptions on Amazon Prime.

The process is fairly straightforward. Go to the ‘Prime Membership’ option in your account and tap the ‘End Membership’ button. Then, you can go by the instructions on the screen to cancel the subscription permanently.

Read on to learn about canceling subscriptions on Amazon in detail.

How to Cancel Your Amazon Prime Subscriptions

We will explain how to cancel an Amazon Prime subscription on both desktop and mobile devices below.

  • Desktop
  1. Sign into your account on
  2. Hover the cursor over ‘Accounts & Lists.’
  3. Now, choose ‘Prime Membership.’
  4. Let your cursor hover over ‘Manage Membership.’
  5. After that, hit the ‘End Membership’ button.
  6. You will find a set of instructions on the screen.
  7. Follow them to cancel the Prime subscription.
  • Phone
  1. Launch the Amazon shopping app on your iPhone or Android.
  2. Now, hit the ‘Profile’ button. It will be at the end of the screen.
  3. Next, select ‘Manage Prime Membership.’
  4. Hit the dropdown of ‘Manage Membership.’
  5. Now, touch ‘Manage Membership.’
  6. Next, touch the ‘End Membership’ button.
  7. Follow all the instructions to fully cancel your Prime subscription.

The Method to Cancel Amazon Prime Video Subscriptions

It’s very easy to end your subscriptions on Amazon Prime Video. If the shows on various channels do not interest you anymore, end them as follows.

  1. Head to the official Amazon website on a device with an internet connection.
  2. Now tap the ‘Accounts & Lists’ option.
  3. On its menu, find the ‘Memberships & Subscriptions’ and tap it.
  4. You will now see a list of all your Amazon subscriptions you use frequently.
  5. Locate the subscription or subscriptions you don’t desire to use.
  6. Now, tap the ‘Cancel subscription’ button.
  7. You will see a notification telling you of the renewal date. This is the time until you can continue streaming content on a specific channel.
  8. Find the ‘Cancel channel’ button and tap it.
  9. Now, Amazon will give you some options on how you would like to end the subscription.
  10. Choose one that you prefer.
  11. You can choose to get a reminder three days before the subscription ends or turn off automatic renewal.
  12. After choosing one option, you’ll find a poll asking you the reason for cancellation.
  13. It is best to choose the ‘Prefer not to answer’ option in this poll.
  14. That’s it. Your subscription is now terminated.

How to Cancel Subscriptions on Amazon Prime Free Trial

If you want to leverage Prime Membership for free, you can use the 30-day free trial period. But if you decide to end this trial, follow these steps to discontinue it.

  1. Use your credentials to log into the Amazon account.
  2. Hover the cursor on ‘Manage Your Prime Membership.’
  3. Now, tap ‘Cancel Free Trial.’
  4. You may also set up an auto-cancel for your Prime Membership. Tap ‘Do not continue the free trial link’ to do so.
  5. On the membership page that appears, click ‘Click End My Benefits.’
  6. Tap ‘Do not continue’ if you do not want to access the benefits.


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Cancel Video Add-ons on Amazon Prime

Add-on services like Starz, Showtime, and Paramount Plus are popular on Amazon Prime Video. You can cancel your free trial of these add-ons whenever you want.

  1. Open a web browser.
  2. Head to the Prime Video Subscription Management page and sign in.
  3. Choose ‘Cancel Channel’ below ‘Your Channel.’
  4. Now, confirm your cancellation decision.
  5. You can resume this subscription any day after canceling it.

Cancel Your Subscription to Amazon Fresh Delivery

Do you think that Amazon Fresh is quite expensive? Follow these points to cancel its free trial.

  1. Sign into your Amazon Prime account.
  2. Select ‘Accounts & Lists’ followed by ‘Your Prime Membership.’
  3. Choose ‘Accounts & Lists’ and then ‘Your Accounts.’
  4. Now, choose the ‘Prime’ box with a blue shipping box symbol beside it.
  5. Choose ‘Manage Fresh Add-on.’
  6. Now, select ‘Do Not Continue.’
  7. If you are a subscriber of this service, choose ‘End Membership.’

The Steps to Cancel Your Amazon Kindle Subscription

Amazon Kindle Unlimited membership can also be canceled easily. Although it’s a great one for book lovers, if you think it's costly, follow these steps to cancel it.

  1. Access a web browser.
  2. Now, head to the official Amazon website.
  3. Find the ‘Account & Lists’ option.
  4. You need to sign into your account to access these options.
  5. After hovering your mouse over ‘Accounts & Lists,’ choose the ‘Kindle Unlimited’ option from the menu.
  6. Tap ‘Cancel membership.’
  7. Now, tap the ‘Cancel Kindle Unlimited’ option.
  8. Confirm your decision to cancel on the next page.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can I cancel my Amazon Prime subscription anytime?

You can sign into your account and cancel your Prime subscription anytime. Also, you can renew them anytime you feel the need.

  1. How should I stop auto-payments on my Amazon?

Tap the ‘Cancel’ link on the Details page in your account. Now, tap ‘Confirm Cancellation.’ After you cancel a subscription, the auto-payments will stop.

  1. How should I manage my Amazon Prime subscriptions?

Sign into your Amazon account. Now, click ‘Manage my Membership.’ You will see your membership plans and their ending dates.

  1. How much is Amazon Prime?

Amazon Prime membership is for $14.99 monthly. You can also pay $139 per year to make it a bit more affordable.

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Concluding Words

Use this article as a guide whenever you want to end your Amazon Prime subscriptions. Follow the easy stepwise instructions, and you’ll end the plan easily. Let us know if you face any issues in this process.