Peacock TV offers an array of content to its subscribers. Still, sometimes, you may not want to continue using the service and want to explore others. Whatever the case, knowing how to cancel Peacock on different devices is crucial. Canceling the subscription or even downgrading it is quite a straightforward process.
Basically, it involves going to ‘Plans & Payments’ in your account and then selecting ‘Cancel Plan.’ The process is somewhat similar but easy on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices.
This article will give you stepwise instructions on canceling your Peacock plan.
On the web, you can easily cancel your Peacock plan. If you are outside the US, don’t forget to turn on your VPN. Otherwise, you cannot access your account. Now, use these instructions to learn how to cancel Peacock Premium.
Have you subscribed to Peacocktv through the App Store of Apple? Use these pointers to end your subscription on the device.
Android users can use Google Play to end their Peacock TV subscription. Here are the steps to follow.
Many people sign up on Peacock through third-party services like Roku. But from June 26, 2023, Comcast started charging people for access to their Peacock Premium plan. Naturally, now many desire to cancel their subscription.
There are three easy ways to cancel Peacock on Roku. You can use the remote control, website, or call the Roku customer care service.
You can also call the customer service staff if you cannot cancel Peacock on Roku through the methods described above. Calling customer service is particularly beneficial if you have forgotten your login credentials. Just dial the customer care number, and the support staff will take care of this problem.
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Use these steps if you use Amazon to watch Peacock TV but want to cancel it.
Peacock offers many levels of subscription. They offer different features and content variety. If you want to downgrade your Premium or Plus plan to the free one, the steps are almost similar to cancelling the plan.
Canceling Peacock on various devices and platforms does not take more than a few minutes. Just check that you get a confirmation email about it. If you have any doubts, contact Peacock's customer service professionals.
Touch your profile on your Peacock account and choose ‘Cancel Plan.’ Answer the questionnaire and tap ‘Cancel Plan’ again. If you are using an Android device, go to your account in the Peacock app, choose ‘Plans and Payments’ followed by ‘Cancel Plan.’
You cannot cancel your subscription from if you subscribe to it via a third party. These include Roku, Google, and Amazon. So, contact the third party directly to end your Peacock plan.
No, if you are subscribed to Amazon Prime, you will not find the Peacock Premium plan free. You can instead sign up for an ad-supported Peacock Premium plan, wherein you can watch Peacock content for six months.
No, there is no provision set by Peacock to give refunds for canceling subscriptions. Peacock charges are non-refundable, and it keeps the right to issue refunds at its discretion.
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