Today, with the availability of numerous streaming services, people have become very picky. They want to choose only the best one that provides access to a humungous variety of content in their budget. Hulu is a popular service that many people use. However, most of them, at some point, think of how to cancel Hulu due to some reason.
You can cancel Hulu by signing into your account on and then going to the ‘Cancel your subscription’ section. The method is the same if you want to cancel Hulu on Android. If you are an iOS user, head to ‘Settings’ and then to your subscriptions or cancel Hulu through iTunes.
In this article, we will go through the ways to terminate Hulu on your device.
Most people can begin canceling their subscription by going to the Hulu website. This is the most convenient way to quickly leave the service.
iPhone users cannot cancel Hulu subscription using the Hulu app on their iPhones. But you can try to end Hulu through iTunes.
If your subscription runs through Apple, visit iTunes and, from there, cancel Hulu.
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Android users have it very easy when it comes to ending their Hulu subscription. Just access the Hulu app on your phone and use these pointers.
Use the Roku device to end Hulu quickly. Follow these points.
You can easily cancel Hulu that you took on Amazon Prime and add it to your additional subscriptions. If you are an Amazon Pay member, end Hulu through it. Below we have explained both processes.
Many users purchase the Disney Bundle, which combines Hulu without ads, Disney Plus, and ESPN Plus. This is a cheap bundle, and so many users support it. However, sometimes you may want to cancel Hulu but continue with Disney Plus.
NOTE: You can detach from one service and go to another at any time. Also, no matter what you are billed, be it Hulu or Disney Plus, you can revamp the subscription at any point.
When you buy Disney Bundle, you can access Disney Plus and Hulu. However, you cannot fully remove your Hulu subscription and just keep Disney Plus. You need to cancel the entire Bundle subscription. It means ending the Hulu subscription, which is Disney Bundle or the Disney Plus Hulu Bundle. After that, subscribe to Disney from its original source.
Follow these pointers if you are billed for the Disney Bundle to cancel Hulu.
Follow these points to cancel Hulu when billed for the Disney Bundle by Hulu.
If you want to move from Hulu to the Disney Plus service, follow these points.
Cancelling Hulu on any device is a straightforward process. It may take some time if you do it on the web, so you may try canceling the service on your phone. Let us know your reasons for doing away with this streaming service below.
Cancel Hulu free trial anytime you want to avoid getting charged. Navigate to your account page on Hulu on your phone or PC. Now, find the ‘Your account’ section and hit the ‘Cancel’ button. Abide by the on-screen guidelines to complete the cancellation process. When you’re done, expect a confirmation email from Hulu.
There is no fee to cancel Hulu. If you cancel the service before the billing date, you can still access the content until the end of your current cycle. Once that ends, you won’t be charged for the service. There will only be a notification telling you to renew your subscription through your account page.
You cannot cancel your Hulu without signing into your account. Once there, choose ‘Cancel’ below the ‘Your subscription’ area. Sometimes, you may not see this area on your account page and so feel unable to cancel the service. Try canceling it through a third party like Roku if you’re on it. Another way is pausing the subscription first and then hitting ‘Cancel.’
Hulu currently does not offer an option to delete your account. If you don’t want to use the service, cancel your subscription. Also, pause the service if you feel you’ll use it again.
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