How can I know about Facebook down issues and fix the issue at earliest?

  • 06 Oct 2020
  • Cathenna
  • Facebook

Facebook allows us to remain connected with the outer world by making just a few taps on our mobile device. It is the best source of entertainment and getting information about the world at the same time. Facebook has created a niche in the market by providing a persistence service since interception. It is very easy to use Facebook for both young and old people. But sometimes we may face Facebook outages due to software maintenance. However, we will get to know about it a little later through other social networking sites like Twitter or Instagram. Here are some steps through which we can detect and fix Facebook down or Facebook messenger down issues.

  • First of all, check for the Facebook Status page. This page is run by the Facebook officials and they will surely mention it on page if the app is undergoing some maintenance work.
  • We can also search on twitter if there is any update from Facebook on its twitter account. Also, we will get an idea about this issue through some other account if every other person is experiencing the same issue. You can also check the official page of Facebook on twitter if there is any update for the same. Users can also get to know about this Facebook problem with the tweet timestamps on twitter.
  • Apart from this, several third-party applications are there to detect Facebook issues especially when the server is down. These applications will tell you the accurate downtime of the application.
  • If you find nothing after searching with the above methods then the problem might be only with your account.

What Should I do if I can’t connect to my Facebook?

A Facebook issue might cut your social connectivity. If Facebook is working fine for everyone else but not for you then it might be due to an app or account issue. However, If Facebook down is due to maintenance work then you can do nothing with it. It can only be fixed by Facebook software experts. But if the problem is at your end then you can get rid of it by checking for a list of things.

  • First of all, check, or the proper internet connectivity of the devices. If you are using a Wi-Fi connection then connect it properly to your device on which you want to access Facebook. Moreover, if you are accessing Facebook on a pc or laptop then check whether the router cables are connected properly or not.
  • After that, check whether you have entered the correct Facebook website link or not. The correct link to Facebook is In case you have entered something else then correct it and try again. Further, if you are using a Facebook application then uninstall it and install it again. iPhone users can download the application from apple play store and android users can download it from google play store.
  • If the connection is fine and you entered the correct link, then we must look for the passwords. Every Facebook account has a unique password that only the user knows. Sometimes we mistype our password in a hurry and get to see an error. So, we need to check our password twice before processing to click on the login button.
  • Additionally, we need to remove the cache and cookies files from our browser. If it doesn’t work, close your browser, and then open it again after a few minutes. This Facebook glitch will be fixed by refreshing the browser. Moreover, if you are using a mobile application then logout your account and login it again to make it work fine.
  • Also activate antivirus and check your device for malware and other harmful files. You can also check for the DNS setting of your system. You can find plenty of online tutorials to change DNS settings on your own.